What Lead Me to Becoming an NTP

My Purpose,

What lead me to my health profession was honestly our Heavenly Father and my own health journey. Throughout my entire life, even as a grade-school child, he was consistently nudging me in one direction, that towards health, education and helping others. I just didn’t recognize how it was all going to fit together and I would even ignore these nudges for several years. In grade school and throughout my high-school years, we would periodically take these aptitude tests of sorts that suggested suitable careers based off of your strongest characteristics, skills and the way your mind worked. Each one of these tests for me always came back ranking me in the field of health or education, but I just wasn’t interesting in being a doctor, a nurse, a medical assistant or technician of some sort. I wanted to be something “much cooler” especially to worldly standards. What finally opened my eyes to what God was nudging me to do all along, was battling through 15 years of health struggles of my own, to finally realize I could merge everything I was becoming passionate about together; God, health, education and helping others.

  One of the turning points in my life that started leading me down the path God was wanting me to take was seeing how in allopathic care or systems that people often get misdiagnosed, they are often belittled, told their symptoms are “normal” and given very little attention or time to. It’s a failing system, and patients get the “brunt end of the stick” so to speak and are often left with more questions than answers. I experienced these very things for years, my symptoms or concerns would often get swept under a rug, I would go in for one thing and come out with a prescription that wasn’t even slightly related to my concerns. I often felt unheard and my concerns were ignored. Some of my own personal health struggles that I have worked to overcome naturally include; endometriosis, toxic mold exposure, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, adrenal fatigue, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, a toxic root canal, depression, anxiety, paranoia, extreme blood sugar dysregulation, PMS, PTSD, infertility, leaky gut, brain fog, negative self talk and even warped thinking of God’s love, grace and mercy towards me. Throughout those 15 years of experience, my faith began to build more and more while God showed me the truth about the medical industry, modern food and farming methods and so much more! After navigating through all the health advice out there and trying every cleanse, fad diet and supplement under the sun, God finally laid straight my path, enter in the Nutritional Therapy Association.

I came across the NTA when I was 27, and realized, this was how I was going to merge together my passion for helping others, health, education and my faith. I honestly had to work through a lot of personal fear of feeling unworthy or inadequacy to help others. I had a lot of self doubt and felt like I was being fraudulent because I am still working through some on going health struggles. I had this mindset that I needed to be “in perfect health” before I could help anyone else, which is the furthest from the truth! Restoration, vitality, balance and health are a journey not, a destination that just happens, they are ever evolving. Even though I walked into the NTA timid and unsure of myself, I KNEW in my soul that this was the work that our Heavenly Father had been calling me to do all along! Throughout my struggles and the course of my education and continued education, I have complete assurance that I am walking in my divine purpose and calling! I am here to be a vessel for the Most High God, a vessel that helps facilitate and bring restoration to the body of the Messiah. I hope to look back on my life knowing that I made a positive impact in the lives of my brother’s and sister’s. That I didn’t let fear stop me from pursuing the work that the Lord has called me to do.

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