Behind the Brand
Ruach: Roo'-ack
Ruach Wellness began as a vision of inspiration and a seed of faith that was given to me several years ago. It is the summation of a lifetime of living through physical hardships, learning God’s design and purpose for my life and how I am to apply this wisdom to best serve his kingdom. Ruach Wellness is entirely spirit lead, it is my humble privilege to act upon this vision with sincere obedience to his ultimate desire for this business and the lives it will reach. If you are interested in learning more about God’s design and blueprint for true biblical health.
Spirit (of God)
Wind (of Heaven)
Breath (of Life)
Helping messianic believers to restore their temples through biblical principles and nourishing their roots from a bio-individual perspective.
To see others stewarding their temple’s in a way that brings honor and glory to God through all that they do.
Core Beliefs
Each individual has the right to full autonomy.
The Torah is Yehuah’s manual for living a blessed, harmonious, set-apart life for all mankind throughout ALL generations.
Our bodies are living temples of the Holy Spirit and we should steward them in a way that glorifies and brings honor to our Heavenly Father
Health of the body cannot be separated from the health of the spirit and the health of the mindset of an individual, which only come from being rooted in The True Living God.

“May God, the source of hope, fill you completely with joy and shalom as you continue trusting, so that by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) you may overflow with hope.”
-Romans 15:13